The Shepherd God

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Welcome to Crossring, proud publishers of ‘The Shepherd God: Finding Peace, Worth and Purpose in a Busy World’, by Simon Lucas.

The Shepherd God: Finding Peace, Worth and Purpose in a Busy World is an extended reflection on Psalm 23 which considers the timeless Old Testament poem and the message its writer, David, brings to us today. The book draws on my own contemplation, reflection and study of the text at a time in my life when I found myself in the “darkest valley” that David describes.

When I went through a traumatic time at work and suffered from depression and anxiety God pointed me towards this classic Old Testament text and spoke to me vividly through its words.

In The Shepherd God I share some of the insight I gained through several months of careful reflection on the words of Psalm 23 and describe how David, an ancient shepherd, helped to restore me to health whilst also showing me how I could find peace, worth and happiness in a busy world.

This section of Crossring provides more detail about the book and links to buy.
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