1:11: Jesus will return
2: A powerful and awesome force
2:36-39: You will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit
2:38: The gift of the Holy Spirit
2:42: The acts of the church
2:42-47: Church, Differently
3: The promise of righteousness
4: The courage of the apostles
4:4: They heard the message and believed
5:14: Mission leading to growth
5:31: Jesus – prince and saviour
5:38(b)-39(a): Plan of man or God?
6:3-4: Delegation’s what you need…
6:8-9: Arguing against ideas
7:9-10(a): God rescued him from all his troubles
7:34: I will send you
7:51-53: Blaspheming the Holy Spirit
7:55-60: The way, the truth and the life
13:50-51: Shake the dust from your feet