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Love does not envy

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

1 Corinthians 13:4-7

My son, Daniel

My son, Daniel

My wife, Claire, and I recently welcomed our first child into the world. Daniel is a smiling, happy little boy who seems to bring joy everywhere he goes.

Prior to his birth, Claire and I enrolled on an NCT course. We found the course very helpful, not least because we met a group of good people who have become friends.

A few weeks ago we found ourselves at a barbecue at one of our NCT friend’s houses. I have to say, I was rather envious of their home. Whilst we live in a small flat, they have a large, detached house with a substantial garden.

I’m sure I’m not alone in envying what other people have from time to time. I’m sure that at some point you will have found yourself envying your friend’s home, or their car, or their summer holiday.

If we are to live by Jesus’ teaching to love our neighbours as ourselves, however, we should aim to steer clear of envy. In chapter thirteen of his first letter to the Corinthians, Paul tells us that love does not envy. If we find ourselves envying others, then, we are lacking in love for them.

Envy is like jealousy. It suggests that we are not happy with our own lives and the blessings that we have received from our heavenly father. It indicates a wrong attitude, suggesting that we are focused on acquiring ‘stuff’.

Rather than envying others, we should be glad for what we have, be grateful to God for his provision, and pleased for the success of others. We should give thanks that ultimately our treasure is heaven, secured for us by Jesus’ death on the cross and his resurrection three days later.

I pray today that our attitude towards all those we encounter will be one of love, and that any envy we feel towards others will be eradicated by the Holy Spirit.

As featured on Premier Christian Radio’s ‘Inspirational Breakfast’.


Listen to this reflection/download Podcast:

Crossring: God's Word Today.
Crossring: God's Word Today.
Love does not envy

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Filed under Audio, Bible Reflections, Daily Reflection, Podcast

Love is Kind

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

1 Corinthians 13: 4-7
School Rules: Source is full of rules. Stick to the speed limit, return your library books on time, put the loo seat down after you’ve finished.

As a teacher rules are a significant part of my life. As Head of Year 7 it is my job to ensure that rules are enforced. Thankfully in my school we don’t have hundreds of rules. We have one main rule, and that is simply Be Kind.

I think that’s a pretty good rule. I think that the apostle Paul would agree. In 1 Corinthians chapter 13 he tells us that ‘love is kind’. If we strive as Christians to love our neighbour, as Jesus commands his followers to do, one of the simplest ways of doing so is simply to follow my school’s most important rule, to ‘Be Kind’.

It sounds simple enough. Yet if we are to Be Kind to everyone whom we encounter, it can require a bit of effort. It’s easy to Be Kind to those whom we like, but what about our irritating neighbours, the person at work who routinely mocks us because of our beliefs, or the person at church who bores us over coffee after the service every single week? Being kind to people that we don’t really like can be a challenge.

Jesus is the ultimate example of kind living. For him, being kind was not just a thought or an attitude, but an action that defined who he was. He demonstrated kindness to all those whom he encountered through his compassion. Even as hung on the cross, dying for you and for me, he demonstrated kindness to those who crucified him by praying for their forgiveness.

Let us strive today to be kind to all those whom we encounter, displaying Christ’s compassion even to those we dislike.

As featured on Premier Christian Radio’s ‘Inspirational Breakfast’.


Listen to this reflection/download Podcast:

Crossring: God's Word Today.
Crossring: God's Word Today.
Love is Kind

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Love is Patient

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

1 Corinthians 13:4-7

Image courtesy of streamishmc @flickr.Do you have a favourite day of the week? If you do, I’d guess that Mondays wouldn’t be your top choice. For most, Monday is the beginning of another hard week at work. But the beginning of the week presents us with the opportunity for a fresh start, a chance to put away our failings of last week and to resolve to do better this week.

As we begin this week, why not reflect on Jesus’ words in Mark’s gospel, chapter twelve, when he states that one of the greatest commandments is to love your neighbour as yourself.

Have you stopped to wonder what it means to love your neighbour? In chapter thirteen of Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians he describes the characteristics of love. The first is that love is patient.

In the whirl of twenty-first century life patience is often in short supply. When our train arrives late, or our computer won’t start, or a colleague is late for a meeting, we can be quick to anger and hatred may build up within us. When things don’t go smoothly we can sometimes feel anger and frustration bubbling up within us, just waiting to explode.

This is not the way that we are called to be. Patience is a characteristic of love which should not just be evident to those around us, but should flow out of us towards all whom we encounter. According to Psalm 145, ‘The Lord is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love’. We should aspire to emulate this.

I pray that we might be full of patience today and in the week ahead.

As featured on Premier Christian Radio’s ‘Inspirational Breakfast’.


Listen to this reflection/download Podcast:

Crossring: God's Word Today.
Crossring: God's Word Today.
Love is Patient

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Do not give dogs what is sacred

‘Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces.

Matthew 7:6

By Brian Gratwicke [CC BY 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

By Brian Gratwicke [CC BY 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Here in the UK, we’re in the midst of an election campaign. It could be quite an interesting election as no one party looks set to gain a majority. There was a time when my feet would scarcely touch the ground during an election. For a couple of elections I played a significant role at the heart of a local campaign, striving to get a good man elected to the House of Commons. I spoke to a great many people about the virtues of my friend and the political party he represented. Some people would listen carefully and say that they would be supporting my friend. Others said that they would be supporting one of the other candidates. A few people got really very angry when I told them who I was representing, ranting and raving about how ‘my lot’ had let them down, exclaiming that there was no way they would vote for us. Sometimes such people even ripped up our campaign leaflets right in front of me. I knew that when I encountered such a reaction, there was little point me trying to gain their support; there was clearly no way that they would ever vote for my friend!

Today’s verse, taken from Jesus’ teachings in the Sermon on the Mount is potentially very confusing. Why, after his teaching on judging other people, does Jesus suddenly begin talking about dogs and pigs? What do these animals represent?

Neither dogs nor pigs would have been particularly well regarded at the time. Dogs were frequently wild, roaming the streets of towns and villages looking for food, and probably not afraid to give anyone who stood between them and their supper a bit of a nip. Pigs, meanwhile, were regarded as dirty and unclean; a good Jew would not have wanted to be in the vicinity of a pig.

Jesus clearly did not want his followers throwing stuff of value to these disreputable animals, but what could these sacred items, these pearls, be? Elsewhere in Matthew’s Gospel, Jesus compares the kingdom of heaven to a pearl, so I suspect that this is what he has in mind here. The ‘sacred’ object he refers to is clearly related to the pearl, and many have surmised that Jesus could have the gospel in mind here.

The question remains – who do the dogs and the pigs represent? Just as I confronted people who responded in a surprisingly violent way to my political campaigning, there are no doubt people who will respond in a similar fashion to the good news of Christ. They have decided that the gospel is a load of bunkum and they have closed themselves off from the good news totally. Such people may metaphorically (and perhaps literally!) trample scripture under their feet and react violently to even a mention of the name Jesus. There comes a time when we should leave these people to their own devices, and move on.

Sharing the gospel with others can be quite tricky at times, but thankfully, evangelism is seldom greeted with such hostility as Jesus describes above. We should clearly continue to tell our friends about Jesus, and not be dissuaded from evangelism should be encounter such a negative response. Whatever response we receive, it is always useful and worthwhile praying that those whom we love who do not know Christ for themselves might have their hearts and minds opened to the good news of Christ.

Listen to this reflection/download Podcast:

Crossring: God's Word Today.
Crossring: God's Word Today.
Do not give dogs what is sacred

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Do not judge, or you too will be judged

‘Do not judge, or you too will be judged. 2 For in the same way as you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.

3 ‘Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? 4 How can you say to your brother, “Let me take the speck out of your eye,” when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? 5 You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.

Matthew 7:1-5

Earlier this week I went back to my day job, teaching History, after a glorious three week holiday. I usually find the summer term to be pleasant, but busy. A great deal of my time during this term will be spent preparing my pupils for the end of year exams that they will face in just a matter of weeks. Some of my pupils will have exams that are marked by external examiners. It is important, therefore, that their work is not just of a good standard, but is legible. I find it hard to criticise my pupil’s handwriting, however. You see my handwriting is pretty poor. That is to say that it is not messy, per se, but it is small and can be difficult to read. Quite often my pupils have to come and ask me to read the comments I have put on their work because they can’t read my writing. It would feel a little odd under these circumstances if the comment I had written, that they were unable to read, was ‘watch the legibility of your handwriting’! Really I need to address my own weaknesses in this area before I can make comment on their poor writing!

Once again, in today’s passage from the Sermon on the Mount, we find Jesus warning against hypocrisy, this time in terms of judging other people. Straight away, he warns, ‘do not judge, or you too will be judged’. The prerogative of judgement is assigned to Jesus himself; he has been entrusted with the ultimate judgement of all people. He is, of course, in an ideal moral position to judge, since he himself lived a perfect life, free from any sin or wrongdoing. We, on the other hand, have not lived sin free lives. There are plenty of wrongdoings in all of our lives.

The problem we encounter when we seek to judge others is that we are not blame-free ourselves. Often, when we judge others, what we are really doing is denigrating them purely to elevate our own position, to portray ourselves as holier than the person whom we are judging. Jesus issues a clear warning here. If we should seek to judge others,we will be judged in the same way. If we judge another person when we know that actually we are guilty of the same, or perhaps an even worse sin, then we are hypocrites and can expect to feel Christ’s anger when we face him at our own judgement. As Jesus puts it, we must first remove the log from our own eye before seeking to remove the sawdust from our brother’s eye.

Of course, we are not forbidden from holding each other to account. Nor are we told that we should not seek to correct the failings of our brothers and sisters within the church. If we see behaviour that is inappropriate, or someone stumbling in some other way we are not simply to ignore it and to leave our neighbours to their failings. We should help them to ‘remove the speck’ from their eye. We are to do so having first ensured that we are in a position to do so, and that we do not have any logs of our own that first need to be addressed. We are to do so remembering that we are all brothers and sisters, having been united as God’s children through the death and resurrection of Christ. And we must ensure that our correction is intended to encourage our brother or sister, to spur them on, and not simply because we are judging in order to portray ourselves as better than they are. We must not stoop to the practice of belittling others simply to elevate our own position.

Today, why not reflect on your own journey of faith. Are you aware of any stumblings in your own life, any planks that need to be removed from your own eye? Pray today that God will help you to see clearly any issues that you need to address in your walk with him. And remember, it is not forbidden to judge the behaviour of others. Any critique of others, though, must be handled in a loving manner, with the realisation that any judgement that we impose will also be applied to us.

Listen to this reflection/download Podcast:

Crossring: God's Word Today.
Crossring: God's Word Today.
Do not judge, or you too will be judged

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