Who Can Be Against Us?

What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, how will he not also with him graciously give us all things.

Romans 8:31-32

It is often difficult being a Christian. There are many who ridicule our beliefs and hold us in contempt for basing our lives on what they consider to be a fairy tale. In the western world we’ve seen a rise in militant secularism in recent years with prominent figures condemning Christians for holding to the Gospel. Elsewhere in the world it is even harder; Christians face physical persecution and even death for choosing to follow Jesus.

For all those who face these realities, today’s verses bring real reassurance.

If God is for us, who can be against us?

If we choose to follow Jesus, God is on our side and there is no enemy that is stronger than him. There is nothing that anyone on earth can do to separate us from God and the salvation that he holds out to us all. No matter how much people laugh at us, ridicule us, torment us or persecute us, we can stand firm knowing that nothing can prevent us from gaining salvation. Not even the devil can stop us from getting to heaven. God is stronger than any enemy that we face.

God gave up his son to secure us our salvation. If he was willing to do that then he will stop at nothing to ensure that his followers are saved. He will give us all things that we need to follow him, to live our lives for him. Nothing can separate us from God. No one can condemn us to hell. We are safe, we’re going to heaven, and there’s nothing that anyone can do to prevent that.

Give thanks today that God is all-powerful, and that there’s nothing and no one that can separate us from him. Praise God for giving his son for us so that we can be saved. Give thanks that God will equip us and provide for all our needs as we seek to live according to the plan that he has for us!

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