Abundant Life

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”

John 10:10

I consider myself very lucky that I have plenty of hobbies and interests. I love walking, particularly through glorious countryside. It’s even better when there’s a mountain to walk up, as it usually affords fantastic views. Sailing is another passion of mine. There’s nothing quite like ploughing through the waves on a windy day. I could not live without music. I enjoy listening to music of all kinds, and play the flute and piano. I enjoy reading, particularly literary fiction and contemporary thrillers. My family and friends and very important to me, and I love catching up with them over dinner or a drink. Travelling is great fun, and I enjoy seeing new parts of the world. There are simply so many things in life to enjoy!

It’s funny. Some people have a view of Christians as rather staid and boring. People think that being a Christian is about conforming to a set of rules that are designed to sap all the fun out of life. Non-Christians often think of Christians as grey, boring individuals who have no interests other than praying and singing hymns. This is certainly not my experience! In today’s verse, Jesus says that he has come so that people may have life, and have it to the full. He is not a spoil sport who wants to stop people enjoying themselves. His attitude is very much that life is for living, and we should all enjoy life to the full! Not only do we have heaven to look forward to after we die, but we have also been given so many good things right here and right now for us to enjoy. We can enjoy using and developing our talents. We can enjoy the wonders of creation. We can enjoy the fruits of people’s work, whether that be literal fruit, something dull like a table or piece of furniture, or something more exciting like an X Box or a Wii.

Today, then, look forward to what will come after death, but at the same time give thanks for all the good things that we have been given to enjoy in the here and now!

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