A passion for evangelism

So the man went away and told all over town how much Jesus had done for him.

Luke 8:39b

As you might have picked up over the last couple of months, I’m really into my gadgets.  Whenever I find something that I think will change my life for the better, I have to get it.  Sometimes, I become truly converted, and have to share with the world just how amazing the device is.  It was the case when I bought my iPhone, and I realized just how much it could do.  It was also the case when I bought my Skypephone, and I realized I could make free calls for ever.  I had to go and tell everyone just how amazing this discovery was.

My discoveries are usually ridiculous.  The idea that a bunch of microchips can really be that big a deal is actually absurd when you think about it.  The man in our current Mark Marathon article, and indeed in this verse too, has made a much more significant discovery; he has found a man who had the power to expel the demons that were living in him, and to change his life forever.  He had discovered a man who claimed to be God.

After being told by Jesus to head home and tell everyone what God has done for him, this is exactly what he does.  He heads all over the town and tells everyone he meets just how incredible Jesus is.  The enthusiasm this man has for Jesus is spilling out of him, and he can’t wait to share the news of his discovery.

Of course, whereas Jesus expelled the demons from this man, he has died for us.  Do we have anywhere near the excitement that this man has, though?  Do we go all over town telling everyone we meet what Jesus has done for us?  I know that I don’t.  I just accept that he has.

I pray today, though, that you and I would be re-energised by what Jesus has done for us, and that we would seek to emulate the man in this verse and tell everyone we meet about how much Jesus has done for us!

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